Full Planning In Place offer below, Counter offer made £500k of which £50k will be used to purchase extra land from 19 Clover Way this will be purchase directly from Cedric Smith. Extra land is already on its own deeds. Pryde Homes is waiting for my confirmation of scheme without land from extra land from Clover Way. Allowing them to build and take the option on the land as garden space once building is completed. Price agreed £450k for both plots. Estate agents advice plots sold separatley at £250k each.

East Suffolk planning support application, awaiting confirmation paperwork.
With the extended time East Suffolk Council has taken, time is no longer on our side to pay off the mortgage and charges.
Splitting the two plots, mean we will have two lots of building work going on a different times. It is also makes it less viable for builders to take on. The up side is, separately each plots value is higher and has a broader market base.
Plots are also going back on the market today, separately inviting offers of between £235 to £250k per plot. I have to inform Pryde Homes that the smaller option is being confirmed for both plots.